Population exposure to marijuana and illicit drugs is increasing while exposure to prescription pain relievers is decreasing in the United States. Black JC, Severtson SG, Dart RC, Iwanicki JL.
Changes in substance use behaviors among those who use opioid analgesics. Severtson SG, Black JC, Iwanicki JL, Dart RC.
Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on new cases of Drug Diversion in the United States. College on Problems of Drug Dependence Annual Meeting. • Bernal K, Severtson S, Buttram M, Dart RC, Iwanicki J.
Ketamine non-medical use versus medical use in the United States’ general population. College on Problems of Drug Dependence Annual Meeting. • Krause A, Czizik A, Black JC, Dart RC, Iwanicki J.
Non-medical use of XTAMPZA ER: motivation, methods, and perceptions of tampering. PAINWeek 2022, Las Vegas, NV. • Black JC, Burkett H, Rockhill KM, Iwanicki JL, Dart RC.
Cross-sectional study of tampering in an abuse-deterrent formulation of an extended-release opioid in a treatment center population. PAINWeek 2022, Las Vegas, NV. Jewell J, Black JC, Ellis M, Olsen H, Iwanicki JL, Dart RC.
Differences in the severity of medical outcomes of exposures reported to poison centers involving XTAMPZA ER and other opioid analgesics. PAINWeek 2022, Las Vegas, NV. Severtson SG, Black JC, Iwanicki JL, Dart RC.
Association between per capita prescribing and abuse of tapentadol and other opioids among individuals entering treatment for opioid use disorders. PAINWeek 2022, Las Vegas, NV. Severtson SG, Czizik AM, Ellis M, Black JC, Iwanicki JL, Dart RC.
Buprenorphine diversion in the US: National diversion rates and qualitative findings from law enforcement. International Society of Addiction Medicine Annual Meeting. Valletta, Malta.. Buttram ME, Ellis MS, Stivers Y, Kurtz SP
Reductions in prescribing following legislative intervention to make gabapentin a controlled substance at the state level in the U.S. Lisbon Addictions 2022. Lisbon, Portugal. Buttram ME, Severtson SG, Beekman K, Stivers Y, Ellis MS. ORAL PRESENTATION
Evaluation of prescription stimulant use in the United States: Understanding unique behavioral profiles. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. November 2022. Rockhill KM, Olson RR, Iwanicki JL, Black JC. POSTER
Prescription vs Illicit Opioid Abuse Among Healthcare workers Seeking Addiction Treatment Bernal K, Lenahan W, Severtson S, Kreider S, Iwanicki JL Clin Toxicol. 2021
Mortality of buprenorphine and methadone in the United States 2010-2017 Black JC, Bau GE, Iwanicki JL, Dart RC College on Problems of Drug Dependence Annual Meeting, Virtual. June 2021. POSTER
Difference in mortality assessment due to the definition of overdose when using death certificate text Black JC, Bau G, McCoy R, et al. Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting. Virtual. June 2021. ORAL PRESENTATION
Prevalence of Pharmaceutical Anti-Depressant Non-Medical Use in the United States Black J, Forber A, Iwanicki JL, Dart RC American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Denver, CO (Hybrid). October 2021.
Online Discussion and Sales of Tapentadol and Oxycodone in Australia Black JC, Margolin ZR, Bau GE, Iwanicki JL, Dart RC IMIA. Virtual. August 2021
Non-Medical Use and Diversion of XTAMPZA ER in General Adult Population Black JC, Rockhill KM, Severtson SG, Iwanicki JL, Dart RC PAINWeek 2021, Las Vegas, NV (Hybrid). September 2021.
Prevalence of non-medical drug use by drug type and state, Survey of Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drugs Program (NMURx) Malaga A, et al. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Denver, CO (Hybrid). October 2021.
Assessment of online content discussing initiation, switching, and cessation of pharmaceutical opioids Margolin ZR, Olson R, Black JC, Wogenstahl K, Dart RC College on Problems of Drug Dependence Annual Meeting, Virtual. June 2021. POSTER
COVID-19’s impact on substance abuse treatment and medication assisted therapy Olson HA, Haynes CM, Grundy D, Severtson SG, Ellis M, Parrino M, Iwanicki JL College on Problems of Drug Dependence Annual Meeting, Virtual. June 2021. POSTER
CO Shifts in black market drug transactions during the COVID-19 pandemic: analysis of crowd-sourced transaction reports Olson R, May K et al. College on Problems of Drug Dependence Annual Meeting, Virtual. June 2021. POSTER
Drug use surveillance measures through a public-access online dashboard Rockhill K, Forber A, Rapp-Olsen A, Black JC, Dart RC Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists Annual Conference, Virtual. June 2021.
Abuse of Tapentadol Compared to Other Atypical Opioids among Individuals Entering Treatment for Opioid Use Disorders Severtson SG, Gurrola MC, Iwanicki JL, Dart RC PAINWeek 2021, Las Vegas, NV (Hybrid). September 2021.
Diversion and Street Price of XTAMPZA ER Relative to Other Prescription Opioids Severtson SG, Margolin ZR, Iwanicki JL, Dart RC PAINWeek 2021, Las Vegas, NV (Hybrid). September 2021.
Abuse and Misuse of XTAMPZA ER Relative to Other Opioid Analgesics Severtson SG, Olsen HA, Iwanicki JL, Dart RC PAINWeek 2021, Las Vegas, NV (Hybrid). September 2021.
Estimates of the number of adults in the United States who only obtain prescription opioids through diversion Severtson SG, Rockhill K, Black JC, Iwanicki JL American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Denver, CO (Hybrid). October 2021
Prevalence of non-medical use of over-the-counter medications by healthcare providers.Rapp-Olsson M, Black JC, Iwanicki JL.Clin Toxicol. 2020; 58(11):1086-1087.
Changes in prescription opioid exposures reported to poison centers following the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic.Severtson SG, Gurrola M, Gardiner T, Dart RC, Iwanicki JL.Clin Toxicol. 2020; 58(11):1220.
Reductions in the percentage of buprenorphine products dispensed in child-resistant unit-dose packaging associated with increases in...Severtson SG, Margolin ZR, Trubetskoy K, Iwanicki JL, Dart RCAPHA Annual Meeting. Virtual. October 2020
Perception of XTAMPZA® ER and other abuse-deterrent opioid formulations on the internetBlack JC, Margolin ZR, Iwanicki JL, Dart RCPAINWeek 2020, Virtual. September 2020
The diversion and street price of XTAMPZA® ER relative to other prescription opioidsSevertson SG, Margolin ZR, May K, Iwanicki JL, Dart RCPAINWeek 2020, Virtual. September 2020.
Abuse of tapentadol among individuals entering treatment for opioid use disorderSevertson SG, Olsen H, Iwanicki JL, Dart RCPAINWeek 2020, Virtual. September 2020.
Abuse of XTAMPZA® ER relative to other opioid analgesicsSevertson SG, Olsen H, Iwanicki JL, Dart RCPAINWeek 2020, Virtual. September 2020.
Effects of item order randomization in an online national drug use surveyAmioka EC, Black JC, Iwanicki JL, Dart RCJoint Statistical Meetings’ 2020 Annual Meeting. Virtual conference. August 2020
Non-medical use and injection use of prescription opioids in Spain in the Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drug (NMURx) national surveyFonseca F, Torrens M, Iwanicki JL, Haynes CM, Dart RCCPDD Annual Meeting, Virtual. June 2020
Emerging stimulant mortality trends by active ingredientBlack JC, Bau GE, Iwanicki JL, Dart RCCPDD Annual Meeting, Virtual. June 2020
Methods for identifying careless responses in online survey dataAmioka EC, Black JC, Forber A, Rockhill KM, Dart RCJSM. Denver, CO. July 2019
Abuse of pregabalin and gabapentin in the USAsomaning K, Bau GE, Severtson SG, Rockhill K, Martire D, Dart RCCPDD. San Antonio, TX. June 2019
Analysis of Drug Mentions with Involvement for prescription stimulantsBlack JC, McCoy RHNAPHSIS. Columbus, OH. June 2019ORAL PRESENTATION
Method for selecting calibration weights in a non-probability epidemiological surveyBlack JC, Forber A, Rockhill KM, Amioka EC, May KP, Dart RCJSM. Denver, CO. July 2019
Perception of XTAMPZA® ER and other abuse-deterrent opioid formulations on the internetBlack JC, Margolin ZR, Iwanicki JL, Dart RCPAINWeek 2019. Las Vegas, NV. September 2019
Non-medical use of prescription GABA analogues (gabapentin and pregabalin) in Europe in the Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drugs (NMURx) National SurveysBonney CF et al.EAPCCT. Naples, Italy. May 2019
Diverging Epidemics: Shifting patterns of opioid use between treatment-seeking opioid users in Canada and the United StatesEllis MPCSAM. Halifax, Nova Scotia. October 2019ORAL PRESENTATION
Differences in the pattern and prevalence of non-medical use of prescription benzodiazepines, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) analogues and stimulants in EuropeHockenhull J et al.EAPCCT. Naples, Italy. May 2019
Regional variation in non-medical use of benzodiazepines in the UKHockenhull J, Wood DM, Haynes CM, Black JC, Rockhill K, Dart RC, Dargan PIEAPCCT. Naples, Italy. May 2019
Cannabis use and high risk substance use behaviors in the United States non-medical use of prescription drugs (NMURx) national surveyIwanicki JI, Black JC, Haynes CM, Dart RCNACCT. Nashville, TN. September 2019
Non-medical use of prescription stimulants in Europe in the Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drugs (NMURx) National SurveysIwanicki JL et al.EAPCCT. Naples, Italy. May 2019
Pilot of a novel online survey to assess risk-benefit profile of pain treatmentsIwanicki JL, Magtanong R, Amioka E, May KP, Black JC, Flarity K, Dart RCMHSRS. Kissimmee, FL. August 2019
Prevalence of non-medical use of prescription opioids in Canada in 2017Iwanicki JL, Black JC, May KP, Sproule B, Dart RCCCSA. Ottawa, Ontario. November 2019
Report building: SAS and Microsoft Word VBA made easyKreider SJSM. Denver, CO. July 2019ORAL PRESENTATION
Regional variability in intentional exposures to prescription medications in France and ItalyLeRoy SJ, Margolin ZR, Lagrotteria JJ, Severtson SG, Mégarbane B, Villa A, Sesana F, Iwanicki JL, Dart RCEAPCCT. Naples, Italy. May 2019
Examining prescription opioid diversion cases and cases involving illicitly manufactured opioids in CanadaLevi-Minzi MA, Margolin Z, Wogenstahl K, Martin G, Buttram ME, Kurtz SPCPDD. San Antonio, TX. June 2019
Utilizing the internet as a public health surveillance medium: outcomes from the RADARS® System Web Monitoring ProgramMargolin ZR, Wogenstahl KW, Black JC, Olson RA, Dart RCJSM. Denver, CO. July 2019
Cross-border trafficking of prescription oxycodone products manufactured in CanadaMay KP, Schwarz J, Iwanicki JLCCSA. Ottawa, Ontario. November 2019
Regional estimates for prevalence of non-medical use of prescription opioids in CanadaNugent E, Black JC, Dart RCCPHA. Ottawa, Canada. April 2019ORAL PRESENTATION
Kratom use and high risk substance use behaviors in the United States non-medical use of prescription drugs national surveySchimmel J et al.ACEP. Denver, Co. October 2019ORAL PRESENTATION
Prevalence of illicit drug and non-medical prescription drug use among pregnant women in the United StatesSeidel Halmo L, Rockhill K, Black JC, Iwanicki JINACCT. Nashville, TN. September 2019
Abuse of XTAMPZA® ER is rare relative to other opioid analgesicsSevertson SG, Wogenstahl K, Cicero TJ, Iwanicki JL, Dart RCPAINWeek 2019. Las Vegas, NV. September 2019
Associations between legal and illegal distribution of prescription medications in CanadaSevertson SG, Margolin ZR, Wogenstahl KW, Iwanicki JL, Levi-Minzi MA, Martin G, Buttram ME, Dart RCCCSA. Ottawa, Ontario. November 2019
Changes in the prevalence of methamphetamine abuse among individuals entering medication-assisted treatment programsSevertson SG et al.AATOD. Orlando, FL. October 2019
Misclassification bias may contribute to overestimates of use of specific opioid productsSevertson SG, Iwanicki JL, Kurtz SP, Dart RCCPDD. San Antonio, TX. June 2019
Pediatric, self-harm cases comprise a large proportion of intentional exposures to methylphenidate reported to participating poison centresSevertson SG et al.EAPCCT. Naples, Italy. May 2019
The diversion and street price of XTAMPZA® ER relative to other prescription opioidsSevertson SG, Wogenstahl K, Buttram ME, Kurtz S, Iwanicki JL, Dart RCPAINWeek 2019. Las Vegas, NV. September 2019
Non-medical use of codeine products in CanadaSproule B, Black JC, Dart RCCPDD. San Antonio, TX. June 2019
Law enforcement reports of increasing methamphetamine use and associations with the opioid epidemicButtram M, Kurtz SPCPDD. San Diego, CA. June 2018
Trend-in-trend method to analyze abuse of new and low volume opioids in the community settingDasgupta N, Schwarz J, Dart RCSER. Baltimore, MD. June 2018
Substantial increases in methamphetamine use among a national sample of treatment-seeking opioid usersEllis MS, Kasper ZA, Cicero TJCPDD. San Diego, CA. June 2018ORAL PRESENTATION
Regional variations in opioid use patterns among treatment-seeking opioid users in Central and Western CanadaEllis MP, Kasper ZA, Cicero TJCSAM. Vancouver, British Columbia. October 2018
Intentional opioid exposures with benzodiazepine co-ingestants in the US and Europe as reported to the RADARS® System Global Toxicosurveillance NetworkFischer LJ et al.EAPCCT. Bucharest, Romania. June 2018
Increase in drug injectors in Southeast U.S. and in rural-suburban counties among entrants to opioid treatment programsFong C, Rosenblum AAATOD. New York, NY. March 2018
Alprazolam misuse among young people in the United KingdomHockenhull J, Amioka E, Black JC, Haynes CM, Wood DM, Dart RC, Dargan PINACCT. Chicago, IL. October 2018
Gabapentin and pregabalin abuse among EUROPAD subjectsIwanicki J, Hennessy M, Severtson SG, McBride K, Schwarz J, Scherbaum N, Hill D, Guareschi M, Dart RC, Maremmani ICPDD. Sandiego, CA. June 2018
Gabapentinoid abuse among EUROPAD subjectsIwanicki JL, Hennessy M, Severtson SG, McBride KE, Schwarz J, Scherbaum N, Hill D, Guareschi M, Dart RC, Maremanni INACCT. Chicago, IL. October 2018
Assessment of tapentadol API abuse liability with the Researched Abuse, Diversion, and Addiction-Related Surveillance (RADARS®) System Poison Center ProgramIwanicki JL et al.PAINWeek. Las Vegas, NV. September 2018
Content validity of a survey to evaluate the benefits and risks associated with treatments for painIwanicki JL, Magtanong R, Black J, Dart RCPAINWeek. Las Vegas, NV. September 2018
The diversion of non-scheduled psychoactive prescription drugs in the United StatesKurtz SP, Buttram ME, Margolin ZR, Wogenstahl KISAM. Busan, South Korea. November 2018ORAL PRESENTATION
Unintentional pediatric exposures to prescription medications in Europe as reported to the RADARS® System Global Toxicosurveillance NetworkMargolin ZR et al.EAPCCT. Bucharest, Romania. June 2018
Reported chronic pain and overdose by patients enrolling in opioid dependence treatment in France and the United KingdomMcBride K et al.AATOD. New York, NY. March 2018
Use of treatment history to identify drug differences in patients entering medication-assisted maintenance substance abuse treatment programs in France and the United KingdomOlsen H et al.AATOD. New York, NY. March 2018
Comparing prescription opioids, methadone, and heroin rates from the Treatment Episode Data Set to the RADARS® System Treatment Center ProgramsOlsen HA, Severtson SG, Schwarz J, Ellis M, Cicero TJ, Dart RCCPDD. San Diego, CA. June 2018
Comparing prescription opioid use among heroin abusers using the RADARS® System EUROPAD ProgramOlsen HA et al.EUROPAD. Krakow, Poland. May 2018
Evaluating surveillance indicators of prescription and illicit drug use using the RADARS® System Survey of Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drugs ProgramRockhill K et al.CSTE. West Palm Beach, FL. June 2018ORAL PRESENTATION
Mosaic approach for monitoring Healthy People 2020 objectives: A substance abuse surveillance systemRockhill K, Bau GE, Ellis MS, Cicero TJ, Dart RCAPHA. San Diego, CA. November 2018ORAL PRESENTATION
Hierarchical clustering of mental health disorder diagnoses based on opioid non-medical use frequencySwanson JD, Black JC, Haynes CM, Rockhill K, May KP, Amioka E, Dart RCAAAP. Bonita Springs, FL. December 2018
Benzodiazepines use “to get high” in patients admitted for addiction treatment in SpainTorrens M, Fonseca F, Farré M, McBride K, Maremmani I, Guareschi M, Dart RCCPDD. San Diego, CA. June 2018
Comparing intentional exposure rates between stimulants in the RADARS® System poison center dataBenallo MA, Kreider SE, Green JL, Dart RCNACCT. Vancouver, BC. October 2017
An online survey on misuse of benzodiazepines and ‘Z drugs’ in SingaporeChan WL, Wood DM, Haynes CM, Rockhill KM, Green JL, Dargan PIEAPCCT. Basel, Switzerland. May 2017
Non-medical use of loperamide in the United KingdomDargan PI, Haynes CM, Wood DM, May KP, Rockhill KM, Green JLEAPCCT. Basel, Switzerland. May 2017
Case review of opioid-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) from pharmacovigilance and poison centersDasgupta N, Schwarz J, Dart RCICPE Annual Meeting. Montreal, Quebec. August 2017
The opioid epidemic in Canada: trends in diversion of commonly abused prescription drugs in OntarioDziadkowiec O et al. NIDA International Forum at CPDD Annual Meeting. Montreal, Quebec. June 2017
Age of Misuse Exposures Reported by the Global Toxicosurveillance Network (GTNet)Fischer LJ et al.EAPCCT. Basel, Switzerland. May 2017ORAL PRESENTATION
Patterns of cannabis use in patients admitted for addiction treatment in SpainFonseca F, Torrens M, Farré M, McBride KE, Maremmani I, Guareschi M, Green JL, Dart RCNIDA International Forum at CPDD Annual Meeting. Montreal, Quebec. June 2017
Increased risk of problematic drug use among adults with chronic painHaynes CM, Rockhill KM, May KP, Black JC, Dart RC, Green JLPAINWeek 2017. Las Vegas, NV. September 2017
Relationship between poison center opioid exposure and mortality rates and National Vital Statistics System mortality ratesIwanicki JL, Margolin ZR, Severtson SG, Dart RC.EAPCCT. Basel, Switzerland. May 2017ORAL PRESENTATION
Five program system for post-marketing surveillance of prescription drug misuseIwanicki JL, Haynes CM, Sproule B, Kurtz SP, Cicero TJ, Dasgupta N, Dart RC, Green JL CCSA Issues of Substance Conference. Calgary, Alberta. November 2017
Systematic surveillance of illicitly manufactured fentanyl cases initiated by law enforcementKurtz SP, Buttram MECPDD Annual Meeting. Montreal, Quebec. June 2017ORAL PRESENTATION
The opioid epidemic in Canada: trends in diversion of commonly abused prescription drugs in CanadaLevi-Minzi MA et al.CCSA Issues of Substance Conference. Calgary, Alberta. November 2017
Prevalence of non-medical use of prescription drugs in the United States in 2016May KP, Haynes CM, Rockhill KM, Margolin ZR, Dart RC, Green JLCPDD Annual Meeting. Montreal, Quebec. June 2017
Cross-border trafficking of prescription oxycodone products manufactured in CanadaMay KP, Rosen T, Dasgupta N, Green JL, Dart RCCPS Annual Meeting. Halifax, NS. May 2017
Non-medical use and abuse of drugs used for opioid agonist therapy in CanadaMay KP, Rockhill KM, Eldred-Skemp NA, Haynes CM, Sproule B, Dart RC, Green JLCSAM Annual Meeting and Scientific Conference. Niagara Falls, Ontario. October 2017
Prevalence of non-medical use of prescription drugs in CanadaMay KP, Rockhill KM, Sproule B, Eldred-Skemp NA, Haynes CM, Dart RC, Green JL CSAM Annual Meeting and Scientific Conference. Niagara Falls, Ontario. October 2017
Reported chronic pain and overdose by patients enrolling in opioid dependence treatmentMcBride K et al.CSAM Annual Meeting and Scientific Conference. Niagara Falls, Ontario. October 2017
Prevalence of illicit drug use: Survey of Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drugs Program compared to NSDUHRockhill KM, Haynes CM, May KP, Margolin ZR, Dart RC, Green JLCPDD Annual Meeting. Montreal, Quebec. June 2017
The Great Lakes effect: discovering hot spots for rates of diversion of prescription opioids within Ontario, CanadaRosen T et al.NIDA International Forum at CPDD Annual Meeting. Montreal, Quebec. June 2017
Racial/ethnic trends of heroin and non-medical use of prescription opioids among entrants to opioid treatment programs, 2005-2016Rosenblum A, Pouget E, Fong CCPDD Annual Meeting. Montreal, Quebec. June 2017
Past month prevalence of chewing, snorting, smoking and injecting prescription opioid tablets and capsules among individuals entering substance abuse treatmentSevertson SG et al.CPS Annual Meeting. Halifax, NS. May 2017
Rate of Nucynta® ER intentional abuse calls to poison centers are lower than ER oxycodone and ER oxymorphoneSevertson SG, Vosburg SK, Green JL, Dart RCICOO. Boston, MA. June 2017
Rate of Nucynta® ER intentional abuse calls to poison centers are lower than ER oxycodone and ER oxymorphoneSevertson SG, Vosburg SK, Green JL, Dart RCPAINWeek 2017. Las Vegas, NV. September 2017
Abuse liability of tapentadol is significantly lower than other schedule II opioidsVosburg SK, Severtson SG, Green JL, Kurtz SP, Dart RCICOO. Boston, MA. June 2017
Comparison of prevalence of illicit drug use in the UK Survey of the NMURx Program and the annual Crime Survey for England and Wales 2014-2016Wood DM, Green JL, Haynes CM, Rockhill KM, Dargan PIEAPCCT. Basel, Switzerland. May 2017
Characterizing opioid and benzodiazepine abuse as reported by patients entering medication-assisted substance abuse treatment programs in EuropeBau G et al.AATOD National Conference. Baltimore, MD. October 2016
Severe adverse events associated with intentional abuse via an unintended route for fentanyl patches compared to other schedule II opioidsBenallo M, McDaniel HA, Green JL, Dart RCNACCT. Boston, MA. September 2016
Increasing abuse of gabapentin and pregabalin as reported to US poison centers 2006 through 2014Bucher-Bartelson B, Bau G, Severtson SG, Green JL, Dart RCCPDD Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, CA. June 2016
Trends in benzodiazepine and opioid analgesic misuse and mortality reported to poison centers across the United StatesCalcaterra SL et al.SGIM Annual Meeting. Hollywood, FL. May 2016
Online survey on prescription medicine misuse: what is the evidence for prescription opioid misuse in Singapore?Chan WL, Wood DM, Besharat AC, McDaniel HA, Green JL, Dargan PIEAPCCT. Madrid, Spain. May 2016
Monitoring internet postings for mentions of an extended-release (ER) hydrocodone formulation with abuse-deterrent propertiesDeVeaugh-Gess A et al.CPDD Annual Meeting. Palm Springs, CA. June 2016
Intentional abuse cases mentioning prescription opioid products following the hydrocodone reschedulingFischer LJ, Severtson SG, Green JL, Dart RC, RADARS System Poison Center GroupNACCT. Boston, MA. September 2016
Patterns of prescription drug use and misuse in Spain: The European opioid treatment patient surveyFonseca F et al.(NIDA) International Forum at CPDD Annual Meeting. Palm Springs, CA. June 2016
Accidental unsupervised ingestions of Nucynta® ER in children less than six years-old: Frequency and risk of severe outcomesGreen JL, Kreider SED, Severtson SG, Dart RCPAINWeek 2016. Las Vegas, NV. September 2016
Tampering and medical outcomes in poison center abuse and misuse Nucynta® ER exposuresGreen JL, Le Lait MC, Severtson SG, Dart RCPAINWeek 2016. Las Vegas, NV. September 2016
Prescription Opioid Death Rates are Greater for Females than MalesIwanicki JL, Le Lait MC, Severtson SG, Bucher-Bartelson B, Dart RCAmerican College of Medical Toxicology Annual Scientific Meeting. Huntington Beach, CA. March 2016
Abuse of immediate release opioid analgesics as compared to extended release formulations in the United StatesIwanicki JL, McDaniel HA, Severtson SG, Green JL, Dart RCEAPCCT. Madrid, Spain. May 2016ORAL PRESENTATION
International perspective on prescription benzodiazepine exposures reported by poison centres in the Global Toxicosurveillance NetworkJohnson DJD et al.NACCT. Boston, MA. September 2016
Tracking the trends over time of global adult human exposures to benzodiazepines and opioids reported to poison centres in the Global Toxicosurveillance NetworkJohnson DJG et al.EAPCCT. Madrid, Spain. May 2016
Tracking the trends over time of unintentional pediatric exposures to benzodiazepines and opioids reported to poison centres in the Global Toxicosurveillance NetworkJohnson DJG et al.EAPCCT. Madrid, Spain. May 2016
Intertwined Non-pharmaceutical Fentanyl Epidemics in Canada and the United StatesKurtz SP, Buttram MEGAC. Venice, Italy, October 2016
A characterization of first-time enrollees and repeated enrollees entering medication-assisted substance abuse treatment programsMargolin ZR et al. EUROPAD. Leiden, Netherlands. May 2016
Reported route and source of primary drugs of abuse by patients entering medication-assisted substance abuse treatment in EuropeMcBride KE et al.EUROPAD Conference. Leiden, Netherlands. May 2016
Characterizing opioid and benzodiazepine abuse as reported to opioid treatment programs in the United StatesMcDaniel HA, Goodman E, McBride K, Green JL, Rosenblum A, Dart RCAATOD National Conference. Baltimore, MD. October 2016
Racial/ethnic differences in primary drug used among entrants to opioid treatment programs over timePouget ER, Fong C, Rosenblum AAATOD National Conference. Baltimore, MD. October 2016
Routes of administration of Tapentadol products as reported to poison centersSevertson SG, Bucher-Bartelson B, Green JL, Dart RCAnnual Scientific Meeting of the APS. Austin, TX. May 2016
Impact of unit dose packaging on unintentional pediatric buprenorphine exposuresWang GS, Bau G, Severtson SG, Green JL, Dart RC American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. October 2016
Characterization of marijuana use in college students as reported to an online surveyWang GS, Besharat AC, Le Lait MC, Haynes C, Dart RC, Roosevelt GEAPCCT. Madrid, Spain. May 2016
Unintentional exposures to prescription opioid analgesics among children under age six: trends over timeWang GS, McDaniel HA, Bucher Bartelson B, Green JL, Dart RCPAS Meeting. Baltimore, MD. May 2016ORAL PRESENTATION
Prescription opioid abuse or misuse in pregnancy using poison center dataWarrick BJ, Sycamore K, Holbrook BD, Smolinske S, Seifert SA, Bau G, Bucher Bartelson B, Severtson SG, Green JL, Dart RCNACCT. Boston, MA. September 2016
Trends in Tramadol Use and Abuse reported to the Ontario Poison CentreAustin E, Thompson M, Hudson H, Bernabeo D, Johnson DJG, Dart RCCPS 36th Annual Scientific MeetingCharlottetown, PEI. May 2015
Trends Over Time in Pop Rates of Intentional Misuse and Self-Harm Mentions with Buprenorphine, Methadone, and Oxycodone as Reported to PCs in DE, IT & UKBucher Bartelson B et al.EAPCCTSt Julian's, Malta. May 2015ORAL PRESENTATION
Medical outcomes associated with unintended routes of prescription opioid abuseBucher Bartelson B, Le Lait MC, Dart RC, Roland CL, Masters ET, Mardekian J, Green JLPAINWeek 2015Las Vegas, NV. September 2015
Online survey on prescription medicine misuse: what is the evidence for misuse of benzodiazepines and ‘Z drugs’ in Singapore?Chan WL et al.APAMTPerth, Australia. December 2015ORAL PRESENTATION
Prescription Opioids: Reported Reasons for Non-Medical Use in an Online National Survey in the UKDargan PI, Martinez EM, Besharat AC, Green JL, Wood DMEAPCCTSt. Julian's, Malta. May 2015
Chronic Pain and Non-Medical Use of Opioids, Benzodiazepines, and Pregabalin in an Online National Survey in the United KingdomDargan PI et al.EAPCCTSt Julian's, Malta. May 2015ORAL PRESENTATION
Monitoring the Street Price of Diverted Opioids in Canada with StreetRx.comDart RC, Goodman EM, McBride K, Margolin Z, Dasgupta N, Menone C, Green JL, Iwanicki JLCCSA ConferenceMontreal, Quebec. November 2015
Chronic pain and non-medical use of opioids, benzodiazepines, and pregabalin in the United KingdomDart RC, Dargan PI, Wood DM, Besharat AC, Goodman EM, Iwanicki JL, Green JLPAINWeek2015Las Vegas, NV. September 2015
Prevalence of Serious Adverse Events by Injection or Inhalation of Prescription StimulantsFischer LJ, Severtson SG, Dart RC, RADARS System Poison Center GroupNACCTSan Francisco, California. October 2015
Characterization of Chronic Pain in College Students as Reported to an Online SurveyFix CM, Besharat AC, Dart RCNACCTSan Francisco, California. October 2015
Reductions in prescription opioid abuse among enrollees into opioid treatment programsFong C, Rosenblum AAATOD National ConferenceAtlanta, GA. March 2015
An online national survey and the Crime Survey for England and Wales: are the data comparable?Green JL, Dargan PI, Wood DM, Besharat AC, Martinez EM, Dart RCCPDD Annual MeetingPhoenix, AZ. June 2015
Non-Medical Use of Benzodiazepines and Opioids: an Online National Survey in the United KingdomGreen JL, Besharat AC, Goodman EM, Bucher Bartelson B, Wood DM, Dargan PIICPEBoston, MA. August 2015
Prescription Opioid Exposures and Outcomes among Older AdultsHatten BW, West NA, Severtson SG, Green JL, Dart RCSAEM National ConferenceSan Diego, CA. May 2015ORAL PRESENTATION
Chronic Pain and Non-Medical Use of Prescription Opioids in a United Kingdom National SurveyIwanicki JL, Besharat AC, Goodman EM, Dargan PI, Wood DM, Dart RC, Green JLCCSA ConferenceMontreal, Quebec. November 2015
Prescription opioid death rates are greater for females than malesIwanicki JL, Le Lait MC, Severtson SG, Bucher-Bartelson B, Dart RCCPDD Annual MeetingPhoenix, AZ. June 2015ORAL PRESENTATION
Abuse deterrent reformulation of controlled release oxycodone is associated with persistently declining rates of abuse and diversion by both oral and non-oral routesIwanicki JL et al.PAINWeek 2015Las Vegas, NV. September 2015
Age and gender distribution among patients entering treatment for opioid addictionLavery SA et al.AATOD National ConferenceAtlanta, GA. March 2015
Rates of Suicide Involving Prescription Opioids Before, During and After the Great RecessionLavery SA, Le Lait MC, West NA, Dart RC, RADARS System Poison Center GroupNACCTSan Francisco, CA. October 2015
Trends of suspected suicide involving prescription opioids by 4 United States regionsLavery SA, West NA, Le Lait MC, Dart RC, RADARS System Poison Center GroupNACCTSan Francisco, CA. October 2015ORAL PRESENTATION
Reduced Street Price and Quantity Discounts for Diverted Extended Release OxyContin and Opana Following Crush Resistant ReformulationLebin JA et al.SAEM National ConferenceSan Diego, CA. May 2015ORAL PRESENTATION
Non-medical Use of Prescription and Illicit Drugs in Public versus Private Colleges & UniversitiesMargolin Z, Besharat AC, Nelson SK, West NA, Bucher Bartelson B, Green JL, Dart RCNACCTSan Francisco, CA. October 2015
Decrease in Exposure Calls to Poison Centers: A Look at Opioid and Stimulant Drug Classes Over time By Age GroupMarquess SA, McDaniel HA, West NA, Dart RC, RADARS System Poison Center GroupNACCTSan Francisco, CA. October 2015
A comparison of attempted suicide rates by methylphenidate exposure in adult and adolescent populationsMcRae EM, Le Lait MC, West N, Dart RCCPDD Annual MeetingPhoenix, AZ. June 2015ORAL PRESENTATION
Comparative Rates of Mortality and Severe Medical Effect Among Commonly Prescribed Opioid AnalgesicsMurphy DL et al.SAEM National ConferenceSan Diego, CA. May 2015ORAL PRESENTATION
Non-Dermal Routes Used in Fentanyl Patch Intentional ExposuresNickless JR, Le Lait MC, West NA, Coulter MS, Dart RC, RADARS System Poison Center GroupNACCTSan Francisco, CA. October 2015
Reductions in prescription opioid abuse among enrollees into opioid treatment programsRosenblum A, Fong C, Matusow H, Parrino M, Maxwell-Taylor CCPDD Annual MeetingPhoenix, AZ. June 2015ORAL PRESENTATION
Abuse and diversion of buprenorphine/naloxone oral film relative to other buprenorphine formulationsSevertson SG et al.AAAP Annual MeetingHuntington Beach, CA. December 2015
Unintentional exposures to buprenorphine/naloxone tablets and oral film among children less than six years old; October 2010 through June 2015Severtson SG et al.AAAP Annual MeetingHuntington Beach, CA. December 2015
Transborder trafficking of prescription opioids in Canada and the United StatesSevertson SG, Besharat AC, Green JL, Dasgupta N, Ellis MS, Cicero TJ, Dart RCCPS 36th Annual Scientific MeetingCharlottetown, PEI. May 2015
Use of opiates to get high in patients seeking opiate addiction treatment: Europe and the U.S.Somaini L et al.AATOD National Conference. Atlanta, GA. March 2015
Pregabalin, Gabapentin and Baclofen: Sources of Drug Acquisition for Non-Medical Use in an Online National Survey in the UKWood DM, Besharat AC, Dargan PI, Martinez EM, Green JLEAPCCTSt. Julian's, Malta. May 2015
Benzodiazepines and ‘Z Drugs’: Reported Reasons for Non-Medical Use in an Online National Survey in the UKWood DM, Besharat AC, Martinez EM, Green JL, Dargan PIEAPCCTSt. Julian's, Malta. May 2015
Perception of Prescription Drug Safety in an Online National Survey in the United KingdomWood DM, Dargan PI, Besharat AC, Martinez EM, Green JLEAPCCTSt Julian's, Malta. May 2015
An analysis of the abuse and associated deaths of immediate release opioid analgesics as compared to extended release formulations in the United StatesBebarta VS, Severtson SG, Green JL, Dart RCNACCT. New Orleans, LA. October 2014
Pediatric serious adverse events after exposure to immediate and extended release opioidsBrown KR, Le Lait MC, Dart RCNACCT. New Orleans, LA. October 2014
Age differences in intentional abuse cases mentioning hydrocodone products versus schedule II opioidsFischer LJ, Severtson SG, Dart RCNACCT. New Orleans, LA. October 2014
New Trends of Prescription Drug Use in SpainFonseca, F, Green, JL, Maremmani, I, Touzeau, D, Walcher, S, Deruvo, G, Somaini, L, Martinez, D, Rossi, P, Torrens, MEUROPAD. Glasgow, Scotland, UK. May 2014
Buprenorphine/naloxone pediatric ingestion: exposure rates differ between film and tablet formulationsGreen JL, Martinez EH, Severtson SG, Dart RC, Lavonas EJACMT. Phoenix, AZ. March 2014
Buprenorphine/naloxone abuse and diversion: film rates are less than tablet ratesGreen JL, Martinez EM, Severtson SG, Cicero TJ, Kurtz SP, Rosenblum A, Surratt HL, Dart RC, Lavonas EJACMT. Phoenix, AZ. March 2014
Buprenorphine/naloxone abuse and diversion: film rates are less than tablet ratesGreen JL, Martinez EM, Severtson SG, Cicero TJ, Kurtz SP, Rosenblum A, Surratt HL, Dart RC, Lavonas EJASAM. Orlando, FL. April 2014
Buprenorphine/naloxone pediatric ingestion: exposure rates differ between film and tablet formulationsGreen JL, Martinez EM, Severtson SG, Dart RC, Lavonas EJASAM. Orlando, FL. April 2014
Global impact of prescription opioid misuse: Europe and USGreen JL et al.CPDD. San Juan, Puerto Rico. June 2014
Buprenorphine/Naloxone pediatric ingestion: exposure rates differ between film and tablet formulationsGreen JL, Martinez EM, Severtson SG, Dart RC, Lavonas EJCPDD. San Juan, Puerto Rico. June 2014
Buprenorphine/Naloxone abuse and diversion: film rates are less than tablet ratesGreen JL, Martinez EM, Severtson SG, Cicero TJ, Kurtz SP, Rosenblum A, Surratt HL, Dart RC, Lavonas EJCPDD. San Juan, Puerto Rico. June 2014
Prescription opioid misuse in Europe: from opioid treatment programs to poison centresGreen JL et al.EAPCCT. Brussels, Belgium. May 2014
Global Toxicosurveillance Network (GTNet): Characterizing prescription opioid exposures reported to european poison centresGreen JL et al.EAPCCT. Brussels, Belgium. May 2014
Factors associated with non-medical use of stimulants among college studentsLavery SA, Le Lait MC, Severtson SG, West NA, Dart RCNACCT. New Orleans, LA. October 2014
The role of tapentadol ER in the illicit market for opioid analgesics in the United StatesLe Lait C, Severtson G, Surratt H, Burke J, Bebarta V, Dart RCAPS. Tampa, FL. May 2014
The street prices of immediate release and extended release tapentadol are lower than other Schedule II opioid tablets/capsulesLe Lait MC, Severtson SG, Dasgupta N, Green JL, Hall A, Dart RCCPDD. San Juan, Puerto Rico. June 2014
European opiate addiction treatment programs: poly-opioid users are different than other patients seeking treatmentMartinez EM et al.EUROPAD. Glasgow, Scotland, UK. May 2014
Gender differences in patients entering treatment programs in EuropeMartinez EM et al.EUROPAD. Glasgow, Scotland, UK. May 2014
European patients entering opioid addiction treatment whose primary drug is heroin differ from those whose primary drug is another opioidMartinez EM et al.EUROPAD. Glasgow, Scotland, UK. May 2014
Use of treatment history to identify drug use differences in European patientsMcBride KE, Martinez EM, Guareschi M, Touzeau D, Walcher S, Deruvo G, Somaini L, Fonseca F, Green JL, Dart RC, Maremmani IEUROPAD. Glasgow, Scotland, UK. May 2014
Reformulation of extended release oxymorphone: changes in intentional abuse exposures before and after introduction of tamper resistant formulationSevertson G, Le Lait C, Green J, Dart RAPS. Tampa, FL. May 2014
Regional concentrations of Opana® ER abuse before and after introduction of a tamper resistant formulation in 2012Severtson SG, Le Lait MC, Green JL, Dart RCCPDD. San Juan, Puerto Rico. June 2014
Diversion of Opana ER declined following introduction of a tamper resistant formulationSevertson SG, Bucher Bartelson B, Green JL, Dart RCICOO. Boston, MA. June 2014
Trends among older adults in intentional prescription opioid exposure calls to poison centersWest NA, Severtson SG, Green JL, and Dart RCNACCT. New Orleans, LA. October 2014
Diversion and illicit sale of extended release tapentadol in the United StatesWest NA, Le Lait MC, Surratt H, Burke JJ, Kurtz SP, Dasgupta N, Bebarta VS, Dart RCPAINWeek. Las Vegas, NV. September 2014
Analysis of abuse of buprenorphine transdermal delivery system (Butrans®) using data from the RADARS® System Poison Center ProgramWiegand TJ, Le Lait CMC, Green JL, Dart RCASAM. Orlando, FL. April 2014